You’re welcome…possibly it helps when others also ask for it!
Just to jump in here briefly–I’ve had very limited listening time lately (travel, outdoor projects, etc. for the past few months), but in the couple of hours I gave the Junior this morning, I did not have any issue with the volume level resetting. In fact, it stayed set somewhere around 70, where I had it the last time I used it, and the only time I had it set to 50 was when I first rebooted after loading the new Bridge firmware. I’ve just loaded Windom, so I will see how it works tomorrow. But so far, no random volume changes here, and it’s preserved at power on.
I missed this update, can someone post the download link to get the [Bridge II 3.6.86] update because I can’t see it in the Download section ? Thanks in advance.
There is no download link because the bridge update is done via internet.
2 options
- with the mconnect control app (cog - device setup - select bridge)
- or using the DSD screen
Good luck
I think they may have pulled the last update from automatically being shown. My Bridge 2 card with the previous version loaded stopped telling me an update is available.
I could be wrong…
Thanks I have a DS Junior so I guess it is the same procedure with Mconnect (no screen as there is no screen on the Junior) ?
Thanks a lot !
Yup same procedure with the DSJ.
Or use the button on the left side of the DSJ screen.
Has anyone experienced the vol. reset problem after replacing Snowmass with Windom?
I discovered the Bridge 3.6.86 update by accident after I installed Windom (love it!) on my DSD Sr. The update was flagged as available on the touchscreen, and installed without a hitch over ethernet. 3.6.86 so far has fixed a problem streaming Internet Radio from mcontrolHD on my iPad in which some stations would throw a “Delay in streaming or unsupported file format” error. I have not seen this error since updating to 3.6.86. Now I can finally stream Performance Today and other programming from my local station over my PSA system. Very nice!
P.S. no volume reset issues here.
Yes but only when lost ethernet connection.Never during listening.
Yes of course only on missing ethernet connection. This EXACTLY is the issue.