FR10 Speaker

Unfortunately for at least audiophiles, some damage of this has floated into “clickbait” land. That first video appeared a couple of days ago as the first item on my Yahoo main webpage. I suspect for online oriented audiophiles they may have seen the same thing pop up on their other general interest urls. I’m guessing the follow up clarification may not necessarily also show up. Even so, many who find this on general interest urls will walk away with an unfortunate misunderstanding. Follow that with the online “telephone” rumoring and it won’t help reality much.


Just another on-line dealer posing as an expert and reviewer.

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To a degree I agree, however I gather his audience are his YT subscribers that follow him and his show reports. Following his show reports and a methodology provides some context as to what and how the FR-10 experience was reported. My take away was a reluctance to report in conflict with a need to to maintain a certain credibility with his core subscribers. I understand the delay in follow-up on the FR-10 speakers as he is there for the “show”, not for any particular exhibitor. His follow-up would have been better for me if he directly interviewed the PS Audio staff regarding what he and others heard initially, PS Audio staff explaining what they did to correct it, a brief listening session, followed by a summary focusing on the fix the resulting sound. A YT title emphasizing the issue as Reolsve would have gone a long way for me as well. I do not believe he was mean spirited or targeting a particular exhibitor, but his method could have been improved upon.

My show experiences, limited that they may be as I abhor crowds, is many exhibits don’t do it for me. Just a handful hit the Goldilocks spot just right. I don’t mind posting what I view for others that can’t attend to experience it by proxy. Comments are left to strong positives only, and posted to dedicated forums, not YT/FB… I attend to socialize with fellow audiophiles and brand representatives of products I own or may pursue in the near term. I tend to bypass the majority of the AudioPorn.

I agree with this. My observation was only that even others who don’t follow him on YT, but frequent the many high end audio sites, may now see that first video that garnered so much attention, on their own Bing or YT or whatever general info sites they visit. An unfortunate reality of the online world. Controversial things, unintentional though they may be sometimes, sometimes wind up on the front page and just catch more eyes.

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Maybe we are overthinking this and expect too much from people that use social media. Just a thought.


It wouldn’t’ be obvious from even a close inspection. That is because when the tech switched from spades to bananas he got the polarity of one side wrong. You wouldn’t see it because the colors of red and black are on the connector, not the wire. So even upon close inspection you’d see red to red and black to black.


Happy cake day Tony! :birthday:

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Yes, Happy Cake Day!

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Tony here’s a slice for you as well, not certain if you a partial t Portillos.
Happy Cake Day!


Thanks! Been there only once years and years ago, but I remember liking it a lot!

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He is a good reviewer. Plenty of facts to explain his comments and analysis.

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There’s another positive review of the FR10 on the positive-feedback website: PS Audio Aspen FR10 Loudspeaker - Positive Feedback


Yet another good review:


I just watched a very positive YouTube review of the FR10 by Adrian Alexander of the Absolute Sound:

Take a look if you’re considering this speaker.

Beautiful render. It is clear from the picture how artfully the overall concept of the cabinet is thought out. I have been working as an automotive designer for 25 years, I work with structural designs and I do appreciate excellent work here. I know how difficult it is to combine functionality, manufacturability, modularity (for consistent and simple assembly) and exterior design into one compact unit. Really excellent work. Hats off to Chris and everyone involved!
Applies to all models in the Aspen series.

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