Yeah now just change a power cable and it’s vibration damping everything you thought you knew about any fuse is likely to change. Including what fuse direction or fuse type sounds best. There is an infinite stream of possibilities with many seemingly best configurations. I say tune it to your ears. Or maybe your wife’s ears.
It makes sense. I tweaked so much to my system to my liking, and adding a Master fuse had a “confusing effect” that did not wow me. I changed the fuse direction just 15 minutes ago, and the sound became murky again. If by tonight I do not feel better (its not hearing anymore), I will stick the S end into the holder and be done with it!
Last night it was getting to the level of M-1, or better. After I changed direction, it went backward. I must have a Master that is not as good as others. I will not know until later.
The main issue that bothered me was the background grayness. The Omega break-in process has made me realize how a deep black background should sound. Now a new piece of gear including fuse seems to make the background gray at the beginning, and it takes a long time (like a day or more) to clear up the sound (among other attributes of break-in) in my system.
For examples, when I changed direction of fuse it would take hours for me to hear the clean background again. I have no idea if it is Omega that made me hearing these, but I surely do not remember I felt this way in the past from other break-in.
Sorry to hear that champ…possibly too many new irons in the fire to know what’s what…
Done this myself…not much fun…
Yet it is all good now…
One thing for sure…if the SR M fuse does not live up to expectations, get a hold of John
at Cable Co. work out an exchange or refund …remember 30 days as of purchase date…
Sorry to hear that, be patient Donald. Maybe after some more time it will bring better results. Happy to my choice then to have bought the SR M for the MK II to replace the stock one (sounds absurd but I’m still using a beta unit to be replaced, when? Mah!).
Time will tell.
And the new P15 will sport the AM-1, feeding the M1200s, so a very pleasant and familiar scenario.
Me too, of course! This is my last music evening, tomorrow I’m going to shut down the system and unplug all, for almost 2 weeks if stars are aligned, sobh! Next Monday all the works will start.
I was able to wait until today without purchasing any USB cables! It was hard but I successfully did it!
Also the new fuses will replace the stock ones only as a second step once I’ll be more familiar with the new room.
I’m literally frying!
When you get your fuses, can you install them then and leave the power on? That should start the break in process. It will be interesting to know how the Master sounds in MK2.
Still thinking that burning in process is part of the hobby as a natural and pleasant acknowledgment phase, so I’m liking listening to the system when something new is breaking in. To better understand how things improve or change on the way.
You know Italians are strange people!
Doesn’t matter if we are talking about components, cables or fuses. The beauty to me is in the journey as much as in the end…
Hah, I will start calling you the Zen Master. I do not have the patience anymore; especially lately I was often asked by my wife “why are you making the sound worse again?”
I had the “R” in the holder since early morning, and for eight hours I could not get into it. It is like I was listening to background music regardless of what volume I was listening to. So, I switched back with S in the holder. The live music is slowly coming back. I mean, very slowly.
With my cabling, vibration/isolation control, 3M absorbent sheet, and tuning ring tweaks, The R in holder just sounds boring. So, S is in the hole from now on, and I am done with direction of fuses. By no means, this setup will work in all systems. This is “very” system dependent!
Now the new cycle starts, and hopefully it will sound a lot better in the coming days.
The M-1 fuse is reversed, the V part is pointed towards the holder. the SR? I don’t remember from the side, but see my earlier picture for the direction.
Seems you have reached “the point” I reached not long ago when I was evaluating the Purple and the MI,
including trying them in different directions. I finally chose one manufacturer, in one direction. I could not deal with the daily change with each permutation and how they would often change over time. I love to tweak, but not with a moving target. A component that does not reveal what it is and stays that way (or gets better) does not stay in the stable. So, I opted for uniformity. There has been much greater happy value in other recent upgrades. Improvement without drift. Listening late at night and wondering if I should flip a fuse is not my idea of a good time.