New SR Master fuse review vs AM M1 and Purple to follow

SR says sparingly 1 or 2 masters. I wonder how it will be if I add another… or… :thinking:.
Even a master shows breathtaking but also errors in the recordings.
I am considering a masters in my Cambridge edge NQ next instead of the purple.
The edge NQ is a preamplifier, DAC and streamer in one device.
It should do a lot there.
I still have a Melco switch S100 from the edge for streaming.
The switch is powered by a sbooster optimized with a stick from Akiko Audio.
Somehow Akiko’s USB stick was probably connected internally there.
As a result, the sbooster is much quieter, blacker, more dynamic, more precise imaging.
I currently have an Audio Magic premier Ultimate there. Before that I had a Hifituning silver gold.
With the AM Ultimate premier, it’s more detailed with more bass than hi-fi tuning. That would be the next construction site. Could also try the purple fuse from the Edge NQ than.
As my next trip I plan a master in the Cambridge edge NQ.

Do other members here already have experience with a loom from SR Master?

Not that it’s like medicine or drugs. The right mix is ​​healthy and too much is deadly. :joy:

My good friend who I call “The Tweak King” because he’s always tweaking, brought one of those Master fuse gizmos over. He did his very best vaudeville act, pretending to switch in my preamp and waiting for my reaction. which was a blank stare over my glass of Peroni.
Then he switched it for real and I’ll admit that the improvement over my Purple was easy to hear. The thing does sound better. But I’d still rather have 8 or 9 dinners out at my fave pub. Or roughly 20 LPs.


I might have to get one for the Diablo 300! I can justify since I only need one!


Why limit yourself, why not have both the Master and 8 or 9 dinners at your fav pub. Life is short.

I have 2 Masters, one in the P20 and one in the DS MK2 DAC. It made a considerable difference in the P20, but it made just as much difference in the MK2. The only other place where I can put a Master fuse is in my PST which eventually I will, I’m not in a hurry because I am not using the PST much since my Esoteric transport plays files with so much more fidelity. Yes, the Master is quite impressive!


You missed it my friend…The Sr Master will give you not just 20lps
but your entire music library all over again …what you hadn’t heard before!!

Best wishes


I wouldn’t go that far to describe the sonic effect of this fuse. But that’s just me.

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I would describe it like if I had the Master in my system for a long time and suddenly I replaced it with the stock fuse which I already tried out, I would be disappointed, like some of the magic is gone from the music. If I replaced the Master with a SR Purple or similar, the disappointment will not be as great, since those other boutique fuses are closer to the performance of the Master.


The master is approaching 200 hours of burn-in. He inspires from the start. The sound quality has a jump again. Above all, you notice a further increase in imaging and spatiality. The master is expensive but it also offers added value. Greetings Andrew


Hey Andrew…

Great reporting and reviewing…Thanks!!

It is hard to imagine that there are many who would not blink an eye at
buying power cables that are easily 10 even 50 times the price of the
SR Master fuse but "because the price of the SR Master is $595.00 so
high for a fuse…will not spend the $$$ on it but layout the $$$$$$ for
a power cord…Amazing isn’t it?

Best wishes Andrew

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When is SR going to have the buy 2 get one free on the Master fuse? That’s the important question. :+1:t2:


You got that right, and my thought exactly. A combination of “patience is a virtue” and “never pay retail”.


I am taking full advantage of the “Buy none listen to music instead” option. It seems nice.

You guys got me once, that will do.

(But I look forward to coming to listen to your systems that include this awesome fuse!)


I’m not a big fan of YouTube sound demos for high end equipment, but here is the Master vs. the Purple.


Hey aalumkal,

Thank you for posting this video…

The sound demo with the SR Master fuse illustrates what I have been
trying to convey…only the actual sound is better because my words fail to describe the
complete sonic picture…

Best wishes y’all


I received the Masters last Thursday for both my P15 and MK2 dac. It’s an addictive leap ahead and delivers on everything others already mentioned.
Glad I took the plunge!

BTW, I could take advantage of buying them for the old price, whith a trade in option for the fuses left out of use by the new ones., thus saving me some (€105 on a purple each).
Anyone interested has until May 31st through this Dutch site: Audio aanbieding van de maand. You may call the owner in case of queries as he’s very helpful. Also for international customers, no doubt.


Job, the price is changing?

Looks like his dealer in Europe is taking purple fuses in trade till the end of month.


I am not sure they provide free shipping to USA, I still have a purple somewhere hiding in the system.

They don’t cost much to ship. It’s like receiving an empty box.

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something @aangen would say