P10 and amp failure/problem

I will say both the P10 and P15 do affect depth and imaging in a positive way. Neither have ever caused any issues with channel balance or truncation of depth in my system. The tight regulation and low impedance are what bring about these changes. Reliaze that in a Stereo Amplifier both channels run on the same input power. In the case of dual mono amplifiers and a regenerator both run off the same power source.


Yes, when P10s were new, that is true. But in my system it ended with damaged amplifierā€¦
All other owners of P10 in our Hi-Fi family are very nervous nowā€¦ And they have this efect too, left shift of center!

Iā€™m not suggesting anyone consider this worrying, but Iā€™ve recently found that my soundstage is pulled left of center if my P20 is aligned with true north instead of magnetic north. Just sayinā€™.
(And I use ā€œlasersā€ for this)


Appreciate the humor, but I wish we could get past the apparent ESL issue and have some clear communication about this issue.

I donā€™t doubt the OPā€™s veracity, but I am very skeptical of the suggestion that ANY owner of a P10 is experiencing a shift of the left, right or center image in a stereo set up due to the presence of a P10 in a system.

Short of a P10ā€™s outlet not providing sufficient power to operate a mono amplifier in a system with a stereo pair of mono amplifiers, I cannot imagine how a regenerator could have this impact on a system, let alone more than one system.

When it comes to PSA regenerators, my understanding is they potentially offer better dynamics and a lower noise floor because of their design and impact on AC supplied to connected components. Thatā€™s about it.



Nicely explained.

I agree. Can only make sense with x2 Monoblocks; and then easily tested by swapping outlets.

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Swapping speaker cables from left to right, and right to left leaving everything else the same would provide insight into whether the image is shifting.

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I doubt highly that any of the P10 uses are worried about one freak instance. Is it possible a failure in the amplifier caused the issue with the P10?

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Having Vivaldi Apex, Aurender W20SE, AR 160S & MLā€™s powered by my good old P10 without worriesā€¦ :sunglasses:


I have a pair of monoblocks each powered by a P10. I have an image-centering issue and indeed swapped the cables as you suggested to narrow down the cause. I discovered that one of my monoblocks does indeed have a power issue. I suspect the power caps are on the way out because I sometimes hear a slight crackling sound which Iā€™m guessing is the failing caps inability to deliver the needed power to maintain the signal during steep transients at certain frequencies.


Hmmā€¦ It is not possible! What I know about amplifier. What could went out of amp through power cable to damage P10?

This horse smells like itā€™s been dead for a while.

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I run two large mono amplifiers on my P10.
Last year I had an amplifier failure that needed to be repaired.
Should I be worried and would I rather connect the amplifiers to the wall?
Since reading this I have heard a shift to the left. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I donā€™t know where all this started but thereā€™s zero truth to it. The Power Plant P10 is both safe and incapable of changing anything in the left to right channel balance.

Which likely explains :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Oh wait, I just remembered that I donā€™t hear much on my right side due to an accident years ago. After a while the brain gets used to it and I no longer notice it. At the beginning I always heard something louder on the left than on the right. Just wait and get used to your new listening habits.:wink: I have all components on my P10. Except for the television, which is connected to the preamplifier via fiber optic. Some operate a power plant here and others operate filters in parallel. I always thought that it is better to supply the entire system from the power plant so as not to have different potentials between the components. I always thought that if I connected my mono amplifiers to the wall and the rest of the power station I would get shifted sine currents and potentials which could be harmful.

See Post No. 47.


Seems to be a popcorn moment!

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I know where it all started!
At my home! I was just listening to music from a tape recorder through an amplifier both connected to the P10, The music stopped with a loud sound effect not from the speakers but the P10. Fuse was blown, replaced fuse, blown again.
Checking the amplifier connected to the wall socket, the start-up process ended with a warning on the display DC protection.
Is there any reason to smile? Not for me!
P10 has defective regen boards, I ordered it.
The amplifier is on its way to Denmark for factory inspection.
You, Paul, need to know more about what happened. I am waiting for the result of the service and will contact PS Audio.
In my case P10 is not safe.
And the shift of the center of the image to the left is the basic consequence of bad electrical energy.
Sorry, Iā€™m not the only one who has known this for yearsā€¦
That was the reason I bought the P10 to fix this effect.

Please elaborate. E.g., what is the source of the ā€œbad electrical energyā€ causing the shift of ā€œthe center of the imageā€?

Thanks in advance.


PS, I think you have two issues: the shifting image; and a yet to be determined source of an energy surge that ranged your P10 and/or your amplifier. Correct?

The source is distorted electric energy from wall socket. In our hifi community we are fighting against it all time, P5 and P10 helped a lot, but this effect remains stronger during days less in the evenings when distortions is smaller. We use XLO reference test recording to check channels and phase, out of phase tracks. Better earth grounding helped a lot too, screening cablesā€¦ and more. Maybe somebody knows what I mean. It is a long story!

I thing ā€œthe source of energy surgeā€ came out from P10 in the moment of defect. There where other electric gears active in house and no problems with bad energy.
We will see what service say.