P10 and amp failure/problem

Thanks all for interesting responses and changing the title(Elk)
This title is more correct to PSA. I made it in fresh situation when PSA exploded with loud sound effect, really loud, and everything in house went off. Then I found amplifier in Warning state : DC protection! These are facts, no discussion can change it. But real problem in this world is to be correct to everyone. I like PS Audio products, I have PWD DAC with bridge I, nice DAC with very good sound, but some faults stayed unsolved by firm and changed orientation to DS! I liked P10, now without P10 the sound is less funny! I started to think of another solution(passive filter?Audioquest Niagara?)
But there are basic facts still here. Defected P10 with no chance to turn it on, completely dead and damaged amplifier for 20.000USD. Quite bad situation for me and for other users of P10! This is real fact, you can tell about it a lot, but facts stayed unchanged.
I am very interesting what future will bring…
…and sorry for my English’s skill.

Whatever ultimately turns out to be the cause of the problems I do hope you get them sorted out. If you decide to move to a passive product I would suggest that instead of looking at another product designed for 120 volt electrical systems you look into products designed around your voltage like Puritan or Gigawatt. You can buy a Puritan PSM-156 and a Groundmaster City unit for a lot less investment. The Gigawatt products are a bit higher in price but also have a stellar reputation in the EU.

I’m with you on this, Jnut. A powerplant should and must (inherently) have the most protection of all the items in the house. Both in terms of what it receives, and outputs.

Very interesting reaction on Paul´s Post :

Mike52 2 days ago

Ah, again these analogies most difficult to understand for me, Paul. My power regenerators Premier and P10 did what I expected: surge protection and no loss in dynamics which happened with most passive mains filters and passive conditioners I had before. But there are also progresses in the design of passive mains filters. I just could test one and the result was most stunning! The test revealed also that the P10 does something strange in my system! It reduces most significantly the depth of the sound image and creates a slight left-shift of center images compared to the system without P10 and being passively filtered. Maybe you have an explanation or an idea for a fix, Paul? Could it be that the P10’s behavior differs depending on different power grids? For the moment the P10 has to leave the stereo chain.

…creates a slight left-shift of center images compared to the system without P10 and being passively filtered!!!

Long years we, owners of P5 and P10, are fighting with LEFT - SHIFT center image!
mike52 wrote it exactly just now, finally!
I disconnected crashed P10 and found old passive filter by italian (non active firm now) Systems and Magic Black Noise Extreme. You can google it.
I use the filter for DAC and SACD player.
And sound image is very different from one with P10!
Center is in the middle exactly, more space definitions, faster sound and more original character of music.
Just try…

Very strange issue. I never experienced a center image shift or truncation of depth with either the P10 or the P15. I cannot even image how that could even occur.


My thinking as well.

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Interesting! Where are you living? I thing inside cities are worse conditions than in villages. It needs more educated people. But now, without P10, finally I can hear full right channel and voice in the center of speakers.

Amir–is that you???


FWIW, my understanding of the inherent nature of the P10’s design and function is not compatible with the experience of a sound stage shifting along the X-axis. In other words, the P10 does not generate an audio signal, let alone impact where an audio signal might end up in a stereo system.

Fellow denizens, please chime in to correct me or elaborate as you will.

OP, good luck getting your kit sorted.


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I do live in a small town. However I agree Scotti that it makes no sense that the P10 would have anything to do with the channel balance or depth reproduction. Something else is at play here!

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You hear what you want to hear. You see what you want to see. Saul Good, Man.

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Sometimes we hear what we expect to hear.


Power Plants cannot shift the soundstage.

Think about it. They are mono. Other downstream equpment produces stereo.


I think this could lead to some confusion. Before I possibly muddy the waters further, would you mind elaborating on what you meant by this statement (regenerators are mono)?


I mean this in a simple way.

Neither the wall nor a Power Plant have left and right channels.

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Or any “channel”, for that matter. (As in no “mono” channel either.)


Yes, a good point leading to better terminology.

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This is the very high level of discussion! Really…

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It addresses the issue you brought into the discussion regardibg a Power Plant allegedly impacting imaging.

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Through the years we are interesting in HiFi the first experience was the impact of power line to sound imaging! I think it is known information no need discussions, just like P10 is not audio component:-)
That was the reason why we all bought Power Plants to correct impact of voltage from the wall socket…