PS Audio AirLens

Thank you for your thorough explanation, makes a lot of sense now as i just want to take the node out and replace it with the airlens with I2S into DS.

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In the early fall I prefer Black Walnut ice cream.

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Seasonal taste buds? Or you make your own with sustainable harvested nuts? I haven’t had black walnut ice cream since moving from Michigan. I can’t recall seeing it in the Freezer section in years.

Please don’t tell us you live for Pumpkin Spice coffee in the fall?:laughing:


Strawberry in Spring, Mango in Summer, back to strawberry in Fall, and whatever in Winter if I am even interested in ice cream. Yep, I am a fruity guy.


I don’t know what that is, but it sounds revolting. Coffee should either be black, or in the morning a cappuccino (or anything with milk in it). In the afternoon it’s “caffé” only. Anything else is an abomination.

Yes, I have a strong opinion about coffee. :coffee:


Coffee should only be black. That’s why they call it coffee. :grin:

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Remember that the authentic espresso coffee is “ristretto”, it means so strong and just a little little cup early in the morning and at the end of each meal. You can also pour it over an ice cream (black over white).

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I’ve never had a single cup of coffee in my life. I have to hold my nose when walking by coffee spots.

I drink iced tea every morning, even if the weather is cold.


my grandpappy always said “COFFEE IS ALREADY A FLAVOR!”

well, he didn’t really, but it sounds more authoritative if I attribute it to an old person


Is the OS running on the transport ( VitOS) developed by Silent Angel?

I say the same thing about Chai. It smells like a funeral parlor to me.


Oooh…I can relate…nasty stuff in terms of my sensibilities…

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You can keep that type of talk going. That’s like whispering sweet nothings in my ear.


My home town. Ah…


Not sold on the banana slices. I’m thinking grilled peach slices.


I’ve only had coffee once in my life, with the exception of food made with coffee. The one time was when I was probably 15 and it was my dad’s Folgers crystals. That is why I haven’t had a coffee since. But I live in a coffee town and I have friends who are almost as crazy about their coffee as the folks on this forum are crazy about their fuses. A friend has challenged me to try real coffee. So next month I suspect I may be giving up my audiophile card, and becoming a full-time coffee addict…


Yes, my understanding is that Thunder Data, the parent of Silent Angel, developed VitOS. “Brought to you by” it says on Sourceforge. BTW, the Silent Angel Bonn N8 audiophile ethernet switch is or was also available as a product from Thunder Data. There is also VitOS software for RPi4 to download at to turn an RPi4 into a Roon Bridge.

Hmm… although I do not Roon, I do RPi4. Maybe I should load it on one of my RPi4’s and see if I can use the VitOS app on my phone for the Munich M1T to send to the RPi4 instead without Roon. Maybe I will post on the Silent Angel forum or contact their service desk to ask about this.

Silent Angel has three OS apps, one for each class of streaming product they have: Bremen, Munich and Rhein. This discouraged me from buying more of their products as I only want one app for any OEM ecology.

It is ironic considering that PS Audio say they have no app for the AirLens. Did their try with the app for the Stellar Strata not go well? I have not read through the forums for it. But I was hoping… based on nothing… that PS Audio would come out with a new one for the AirLens, perhaps reflecting lessons learned… other than the lesson not to do an app at all.

I still believe they need one PS Audio app to control all their devices including volume on preamps. NAD-BluOS would be my benchmark.

PS: A shout out to the coffeeholics especially @michael_lichnovsky… one more vote here for Melbourne as the best coffee café culture. Probably reflects immigration from Italy after WW-II.

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What is the difference between an addiction and an indulgence? Frequency, intensity, longevity…how much it baffles (or pisses off) friends and family? I have no idea. As for coffee, it is relatively new drug for me and though I like the esoteric roasts, it still reigns as a caffeine delivery system.


Personally, I indulge my addiction.


40 ounces of coffee daily for me.

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