PST or Jays CDT3 Mk3?

How does the Jays CDT3 Mk3 compare with the PST? I don’t care about the SACD of the PST. I am wondering how the two players compare for regular CD playback.

Unless SACD is a priority go with the Jays CDT3 Mk3. I have owned both, PM for details if you wish to discuss further.

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I recently bought the new Shanling CDT3, you might want to check it out, also has I2S out

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I had a PST and a CDT2 MK3 and I heard no difference with redbook (regular) CDs.
The build quality of the Jays is impressive. Keep in mind that it’s top loading.


The reason I can’t use the Jay’s is because it’s top loading. I have been enjoying my PST problem free for a couple of years now but I am curious about the Jay’s.


What dac are you using?

I am using a fully APS modded DSD. It is not the signature version but it is nice.

I went with the PST for warranty, service, and to try SACD’s

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I share @weedeewop’s generalized opinion about the two transports as having owned both. The sonic differences are not dramatic but there nonetheless.


I can’t speak for the PST(I did own the PS DMP transport) but I thoroughly compared the CDT3 MK3 with my Luxman D10x used as a transport… under the same conditions… and the Jays was much better at providing the musical goods!

I’ve sent repeated questions to Jay’s (via email) and have NEVER received an answer. Coupled with the limited warranty, I choose PS Audio.

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I deal with the US distributor and have never had a communication issue. The main distributor is in Singapore and again they have always responded.


What address?

Address for who or what?

Sorry. Email that works. That could be my problem. Apologies.

US distributor located in Texas.

International distributor in Singapore. This is a sister company to Vinshine Audio

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Thank you!

I’ve been in contact with Jay’s several times since mid August, and have typically received a response within two business days. No real issues there. Yes the 1 year warranty falls short of PSA’s 3 year warranty. Regarding sonics, as I do not play SACDs, I find the CDT3 Mk3 to be sonically superior to the PST I had in house. The latter went back. I also, have a CDT2 Mk3, which I am happy with and has performed without issue for greater than three years.


I am interested in the CD2 MK3. If you happened to compare it to the PWT I would really appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.


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No access to a PWT. If you do not spin SACD, and do not intend to in the future the CDT2 Mk3 is a better option IME. The CDT2 Mk3 sounds equivalent to the PST, just note the Jay’s is a top loader. Adding a Qstab CD weight does slightly improve the bass and imaging in the CDT series.