Swiss Digital Fuse Box, the fuse reinvented

Pics please, box, cord, slogwhat… let me understand, thanks.

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The pigtail goes to the wall, and Zenwave connected to the other side of FB. The sluggo is in the fuse holder in lieu of the fuse in P15. I have turned off the system but P15 is always on for continuous break-in. At this point the clarity and dark background are absent. The music is full with raw energy and I was quickly fatigued. Hopefully tomorrow the SQ will get better.


My sound meter will arrive tomorrow, I’m curious to know if I was hearing louder music, or just more dynamic music. Needless to say I was excited to hear a new sound from my system which resulted in my first (hopefully last) crazy review😆


It could be that the dynamic peaks have more energy and therefore it sounds louder. Almost unrestrained. The safety device that acted like a handbrake was on has disappeared. UHF, wax or graphene don’t help either. Imagine new possibilities opening up. Sluggo made of brass, bronze, copper, silver. Rhodium plated, gold plated, silver plated. Solid material or hollow tube. Screw no overpriced fuses that can break. :joy:

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With one day of break in, SDFB has continued to improve. Everything sounds bigger and faster compared with that of a fuse, hence the biggest improvement of FB to me is in the dynamic range. But there is better fluidity in music flow too. The music sounds smoother and calmer. It is like my M1200 amps have suddenly added a Class A element into them. With fuse in P15 the soundstage is more focused at the center, and SDFB has distributed the sonic energy to the rest of the soundstage. The frequency extension is another winner. I experienced some of the deepest shaking from FR30. Equally impressive was the high, FR30 produced beautiful and smoothest high that I ever remembered. In addition, I found SDFB does not add any color into the music, it sounded very neutral and nature in my system.

However, not everything is positive at this point. The music still has a dose of hardness along with less-defined textures in every piece of music I heard from either PST or Lumin U2. The grey background is also firmly present currently. These factors have prevented me from enjoying the music for a longer period. But my experience tells me that SDFB needs a significant time of break in (pigtail like any power cord, I expect a minimum of two weeks). So, by no means I felt this is a weakness of FB, it is just the nature of progression of any new gear in my system.

I have been using the gold sluggo for the review, and I just replaced it with the high-pure copper sluggo. There is a softer touch to the sound that reduces the hardness, and there seems to be more inner detail as well. I may stay with it longer during the break-in.


Interesting. I would have thought the gold sluggo would have had a bit more of a softer sound to it. That was my experience back in the mid ‘80s when I had copper fuse slugs made for my Class A amp (what SDFB is doing with metal fuse replacement is not new :slightly_smiling_face:). I had high purity copper slugs made, and had two of them gold plated. The gold plated ones sounded softer, for lack of a better word.

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It is only the 2nd day, so the final verdict is still out there. But for the last 30 minutes I liked the pure-copper better than gold-plated copper, so far. I have a rhodium silver rod coming later to try too.


Donald just try a different cable than the one supplied.


After my trips I probably will!

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I found the same differences with the Super Sluggo (“gold infused”) and the High Purity Copper Sluggo. I was still a bit uneasy after the first week with the Super Sluggo, then got the Copper in and immediately preferred it. . . during the first week the Copper improved and I’m very satisfied with it now near the end of week two. Be patient, and I think most of your misgivings will go away.

I’m also using the exact same power cord before and after the SDFB, didn’t get the “pigtail.” Both the power cords have been in use for years, so the power cable contribution was less of a factor in evaluation and listening.

I can still hear the fuses I carefully chose for the other components, just enhanced with more fluidity and dynamics by the SDFB.


Here we come back to material and coating. Gilding sounds warm or is it rather less detailed. But there can be a harshness at high altitudes.

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One other note: I find these Sluggos to be directional, as the fancy fuses are. Of the two that I have I definitely find one way to be “right.”

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Gold is not a great conductor. The pure copper should be better.


I wonder if you are observing the effect of directional “burn in”, and if you kept the sluggo in the “wrong direction” long enough it would change again. As a solid piece of metal, I can’t understand why it would be directional at the outset.

I think it’s just a matter of time before I purchase this Swiss box! I’ll have to wait for my BACCH to arrive, settle in and wait a “respectful” time not to raise the ire of my wife. :joy:


Maybe grain orientation when it’s drawn out of the die. My 10AWG THHN solid core in my dedicated circuits are all grain oriented. I purposely installed one circuit “reversed” and even my wife could tell it didn’t sound as good (running my phono pre). I had my electrician pull it and run it in the correct direction. Now it sounds no different than the test I ran against the correctly oriented circuit (IOW, better :slightly_smiling_face:).


Hearing is an incredible instrument!!

I’m very sad for a friend of mine who is losing a significant amount of his hearing and has a nice system. He used to pick up minutiae.

Saw a video on YouTube about a deaf guy who holds a Mylar balloon in his hands to sense music. The fun thing is, he is an audio junky like you or me, and he has a very high end system. He is constantly updating it. Fuses matter to him.

Squeezing a Mylar balloon. Goals!


Maybe SR makes a pink Mylar balloon!


Will the silver sluggo take down a werewolve? Asking for a friend.

I think it’s werewolf? Werewolves plural. Sorry feeling goofy this morning I haven’t listened to my system in the past seven days and it makes me think of strange things.


I bet its vibrations are better than all others. Until the Swiss ballon comes out of course