You need a full grown Anaconda to come close to the diameter of @aangen ‘s cables.
Hush your keypad!
Our Paul!
Thanks, Chops! Weird to see me up on the screen and between the speakers.
Weirder yet is the skulls.
Boil, boil, toil and trouble!
And thank you, sir! Seeing you on the screen between the speakers is the daily norm for me.
Also, don’t mind where the Maggies are located currently. I only moved them close to the front wall and TV to keep them away from the Christmas tree in case one of the kitties happen to dump it over.
Looks like you forgot to feed the dogs.
I wonder which company makes the colored diffuser on the right, looks expensive
Your room looks ideal! Nice job!
Is that a Lord Of The Rings Planitir next to Paul? Is he in touch with Sauron?
I think you mentioned in the past which Maggies those speakers are, but could you remind us which ones they are? The room looks fantastic.
Thank you sir! Much appreciated!
These are the Maggie 1.7i’s. I absolutely love these speakers.
As I mentioned earlier in response to Paul, I have the Maggies moved back towards the front wall to give them safe distance from the Christmas tree in case it happens to tumble down from naughty kitties (luckily, they aren’t messing with the tree at all).
Typically, the Maggies are out at the edge of the rug, so just over 7 ft out into the room. I currently have them just under 4 ft from the wall, and I’m amazed at the imaging and sound staging these are still producing.
Also, thanks for the kind words!
Looks good Charles.
Very nice!
Post deleted.
Princess is a little disturbing.
Princess gone.