What's wrong with this picture?

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No listening chair in the sweet spot?




What caught my attention was the TV sitting on top of the wood burning stove, and what looks like a sub sitting right in front of it.

The TV is so far back from the seats! A 83” would be more appropriate for the room.

It’s a very attractive room. I suspect it is too “live,” that is, there are too many surfaces that are reflective. And there are no room treatments that I can see … bass traps, reflection point treatments, diffusion, etc. The room absolutely could use sound treatments.

Very nice living room. Listening room. . . not so much.

I will go out on a limb saying the furniture is moved around for critical listening (or fires). Also, I like the room.

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I agree, it is everything.

I’m not sure what the point is for starting the thread? The owner of the room didn’t ask for help and arbitrarily picking someone’s system out to belittle seems less than well intentioned. Unless we’re lucky enough to be among the most rarified elite of well heeled audiophiles, we all have to make concessions to realities that don’t align with the best possible sound.


I find more wrong with the question than the room. You people enter a friend’s house and critique it? Bah!


I found it extremely odd that someone would place a plastic flat screen on top of a wood burning stove. And how is it that it didn’t melt into a plastic blob on the floor?
Other than that, it’s an extremely nice room and system. I would love to own those speakers, I’ve heard them before and I was very impressed.

Must be a fabulous view outside those windows.


Happy cake day @RonP


Have a slice, Ron.


It got some kind of conversation started, and you participated, so maybe that was the point. I doubt very much that anyone is getting hurt feelings because of the commentary. I found it fascinating that someone would make these kind of choices. You’re not curious as to the TV on the stove and the furniture pointed in all directions? Observations, not insults man.


Happy cake day Ron!

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Point taken. Internet forums can be a weird place and intentions can be misinterpreted without the communication clues we get when we’re face to face.

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So true. I’m glad you spoke up as it hadn’t crossed my mind that this thread could be seen as a pile on.

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I did a little research and found the original article and owner of the living room setup portrayed in the picture. Here’s a link:

The author explains how he moves his chair into the listening position and back again. It’s interesting to have some rationale as to the setup.

I still think for me it’s kind of a humorous picture and a setup I would not replicate in my own home.

To each their own.

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