Audio Magic M2 vs SR Pink fuse, Owners thoughts and observations here please

I keep my fingers crossed for you. I’m curious about your experience. Where such a box works, it probably makes more sense than an expensive fuse.

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I really hope I did not over sell the gizmo.

It made a positive, noticeable difference in my system via the PSA P10. I hope you enjoy it as well.



Too late to oversell me; it’s here:

It’s well built, and compared to the little fuse, this has to be a bargain😆



I’m waiting with bated breath.

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So how will you know unless you use a Dragon in and a Dragon out? :grinning:


Stop it!



No, I can’t stop listening. SDFB does one thing that no fuses can do. The simplest way to explain it is like this:

With any fuse in P15, my system sounded like an old man with an enlarge prostate, music flow is weak, gapping and dripping. With the SDFB plus gold-plated copper rod my system has become a healthy young man showing off his strong, forceful, and smooth flow. Oh yes, I like that a lot! Can’t wait to see what pure copper and silver can do. :man_dancing:

Of course, the flow is a bit grey and a bit unclean, but it is only the first hour so it will get better. This is a great start!


Too much.



When you have few miles on the SDFB and are ready to post some insights, would you mind carrying those comments over to the SDFB thread? (or not):

Thanks Donald.

Sorry, the wine was too good!:laughing:


…and increasing too familiar, I am afraid.


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You’re right, I should just say it’s like a stream vs, raging river. The dramatic effect was wrongly used for sure.

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Naw…I was just trying to make a joke about your colorful language reminding me how time marches on and the body falls increasingly behind.

(But don’t quit your day job to write the Great American Novel. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


T”he Cable Company has already listed SR Pink. If what SR writes about these is true, it could be a mix between Purple and Master and combine their advantages”

Two fuses I didn’t like and i sold one purple and gave the other away. Pink seems an easy choice to avoid. Despite having a natural affinity for pink parts. The master I had to pay shipping to return it.

When I first entered the forum here you were so fascinated by the Purple that I bought one too. Oh yes, I wouldn’t have the AM Ultimat Premier otherwise. And then came the master hype. I left out the M1. And Donald now seems convinced that the M2 is vastly superior to the M1. Now it is the SDFB that is an alternative. Let’s see who reports about the pink first. Despite everything, the Purpel, Ultimate and Master are better than the Hifituning and Padis fuses I first had. When it comes to the SDFB, I’m only interested in how it limits the current. Since the PSA P10,15,20 has a small internal fuse for the current generator and a fuse for the connections. With the Efuse, the maximum current is set using a rotary control or switch tab. My power amplifiers have 7 different fuses internally. A box like this shouldn’t work properly. I can understand the function for components with only one fuse. Efuse offers different solutions, including internal ones.

Seems even SR is somewhat surprised about the achieved level of the Pink, obviously combining positive characteristics of Purple and Master. So will be really exciting to hear user feedback.

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Stier2704 … any more info on the more expensive fuse to be released later in the year?

SR emailed me with Pink fuse info which stated a new flagship product being released by year end that will the most expensive product in it’s history, so not the above fuse.

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I could imagine that pink is an improved purple and might sound better on its own. For me, the Master is actually a fuse that is supposed to counteract the errors of the Purple. How and what the new flagship will be remains to be seen. They announce it as your best and most expensive product. So I’m wondering how good and how expensive will it be? At some point it comes to a point where it’s not worth it. The Master is also only worth $300 because it is a counterpart to the Purple that fixes its flaws. Vmax was the first to recognize it. Will the flagship be a standalone backup, or is it intended to complement an incomplete pink. Considering an SDFB or Efuse, such backups are starting to become very questionable. Greetings Andreas


What’s leading people to make the assumption that the “flagship product” is going to be a fuse at all?

Pink arrived last night. First impressions: sounds like Purple in the mids/lows with greater emphasis on the highs. It’s a lower noise floor overall from the Purple and obviously these need some time to burn in.

I never had the Master Fuse, couldn’t get over the $600 price tag, but somehow told myself it was ok to buy two pinks :slight_smile:

Mid-fi setup here with an ares 12th DAC and modded Bluesound/LPS for the two fuses.

Anyway, fwiw…this is a step up for me compared to the M1. M2, I’ll stay tuned on this thread for a comparison:)