Audio Magic M2 vs SR Pink fuse, Owners thoughts and observations here please

Today it has been 8 days since the M2 has been in the P20. Compared to the M1, this fuse is quieter, it therefore allows better focusing, provides more natural timbres and better readability of the sound message.
The M2 constitutes in my system a positive evolution, compared to the M1, but not a “revolution”. On the other hand, what has improved the most is the width of the soundstage and that is quite significant.


My M-2 fuse arrived today difference in my P20 as you state it is significant. A major boost in clarity is evident as is widening of soundstage and depth. I want to stop believing in audiophile fuses but is impossible after hearing this. The big screen display got a not so subtle improvement in noise reduction. So far fairs well with my exiting M-1 fuses in the LPS that get first power filtered from the P20

I even got an Audio Magic bonus of a free company Ink Pen with their name and address. Should come in handy for all the SR fuse owners filling out the mailing info as they sell their Purple Pink Master fuses of sound distortion after hearing what the M-2 doesn’t do. That is spoil the sound like the SR fuse fare.


What was in your P20 before the M2?

I had a M-1 last in ipriir to the M-2. The M-1 easily replaced the Master and Purple on multiple attempts. I originally ran a AM ultimate Premier. The M-2 wins the placement wars hands down immediately without break in. I hope it stays delightful. I am going to compare M-2 versus silver sluggos.

I can’t fathom they could win out. But never say never.


I might be done with fuses. Or maybe not.
Your comments are good info. I was wondering if there was truly any difference M1 to M2. I have an M1 in my P20 and it really did sound better.
I might skip a few meals and try the M2.



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I was expecting little excitement. To me a previous DSP enthusiast. M-2 fuse was much more exciting and put me in better touch with the music than the Bacch-dSP Optimal Room Correction software iteration did. The M-2 seems to address system noise veils that became more noticeable with the ORC frequency flattening.


Hi Vmax,
The break-in process was not unpleasant to listen to. There are variations in sound quality but it doesn’t hurt the ears.
Arriving at 11 days of “cooking”, all the qualities initially heard have only progressed.


Thanks V
I have no experience with ORC. But your comments surprise me anyway.

I am hearing blacker background and space between notes. I have heard that before with fuses cables and absorbing tweaks. The M-2 is a level even more apparent. I guess there is possibility it ts elevating frequencies that ORC shaved off. I could always take new in ear measurements that have new DSP filters to see if ORC is throttling peaks. The video display sharpness boost helps convince me a noise reduction is also involved that audibly contributes to noticeable sound benefits.


M2 is being delivered today…the Pink fuse is solid, but I’ve been doing so many cables swaps recently that I need to go back to a M2 vs Pink dedicated listening session when I have a chance next week.


I’m curious about the sound differences between M2 and Pink.

Happy to know that the M-2 recommendation working out for you😆 Third time’s a charm.


I have used more than a few of your tweaks in the past.

Never does one size fit all, especially wine, women or song.


M2 last night brought more silence, depth, etc than M1 and it was just the 1st hour. Maybe it’s placebo from Vmax and dchang05??? Maybe, but maybe not. I’m also someone who always gets giddy when I hear something new, so I need to give this some time.


Thank you and vmax telling me how M2 is doing in your system. I was confused by how much improvement came from the break in of speakers, fuses, fuse box, and the darn sluggo😆

I expect my system will sound better when I come back to home in a week🕺🏻


This new generation of fuses is definitely better than last. I always wonder how close we are to the QSA red/black, silver, gold, etc.

Not to derail, but I had purchased QSA Violet a few years back, thought it was good, added ease and flow to the music, but didn’t consider it a game changer and wasn’t going to spend more. Later tried the silver QSA power conditioner plug and felt that was just a waste of money.

The Pink and M2 seem to be the best value I’ve heard so far, but I’m glad there’s real competition in this market so advancements can come at a steady clip. It never ends…


I heard some M2 murkiness night 2. Night 3 more clear. So there is dome fuse breaking in apparent to my ears


Last night was a five hour audio session with just the M-2 Fuse in P20 and the trio of M-1 Fuse powering my HDPLEX300 LPS that feeds 3 DC voltages to my Bacch4mac, BabyFacePro, and SGC i5 streamer, another M-1 powering a big Analog 12V LPS to my cable router snd switch, the final M-1 is powering My DS Mk2 Dac.

It was phenomenal, so in touch with the music and layering of individual voices, individual instruments composing harmonies. The placement and separation giving separate locations to individuals singing or playing, but yet the harmonies still coming together in the room in musical unison. The M-2 fuse takes out a layer of noise that became more prominent after using the Optimal Room Correction module of the Bacch4Mac. All the cross talk cancellation and leveling of frequencies were not being appreciated at this level previously. Literally anything that was part of the recording and hidden in an underbrush of sound is now standing out individually in the soundscape exploding in technicolor to locations in the room. Be it a Doors recording or Spencer Davis Group, or old Simon & Garfunkel I was hearing new intricacies that have been hidden not in one instance but everywhere. I really thought the Bacch-SP processing was special before but as it turns out I was partially blind. The simple M-2 fuse change from M-1 of the central power provider to my system has shown a me a new extra world of sound lost in an old world of song. I would describe it as bringing spectral balance with depth, precision and eloquence of elocution.


Nice review! You make me thinking about getting 2nd M2 fuse instead of another SWFB; just thinking about how much money I can save on the pigtail :laughing: speaking of that I will receive my order of a pair of Furutech IF50 NCF plugs to replace my PSA cord. All that to be used as a pigtail cord.

But I won’t get home for another week, and it’s not healthy to jump back into this forum before the vacation is even over.