Just about to send back my SECOND faulty Sprout100!
The first one had a screwy source knob that wouldn’t align properly, and now the second one has an optical input that immediately collapsed and caved into the unit the very first time it was touched.
And apparently you only have 30 days to get a replacement. Lesson learned. Don’t believe what you hear in Pauls videos about the perfectionism and high quality blah blah. I fell for it, but I believe it will be the last piece I buy from PS Audio. I’m glad I started small with the Sprout.
Now we’ll see how long I have to go without a usable system while someone over there glues this one back together with what I’m sure is some verrryy high quality materials and attention to detail.
Sorry about that. TJ just emailed me. The 30 day thing? Not sure where that came from. If you have a problem we take care of it. Hang in there and let us make this right.
In his email, TJ said “It’s past the 30-day replacement period”. So it sounds as though I need to go without a system for a while, while this one gets sent in, repaired, and sent back.
Edit: just got the follow up email. Thank you for your attention on this matter, Paul. I’m hoping the third time is the charm!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Definitely not fun reading that a customer doesn’t want anything from us again. Glad you and TJ got it worked out though, he’s a really helpful dude!
If I ever have an issue with a purchase, I only want it to be with PS Audio. Not many somewhere else would deliver their level of service. Can only add to the positive experiences I’ve had with them. They truly do right by their customers. Loyal happy customer here.
I have 8 pieces of PSA gear and never have had a single glitch with any one of them. I have found that they will answer the simplest question in very short time no matter if a possible sale is in the wind or not. A lot of companies could learn from that type of customer service for sure.
For an example of just one company (of which there are many) who really has no usable customer service at all try Denon.
Once companies become too big to address each of their customer requests in a timely fashion they become “consumer goods” companies and the chance of resolution to an issue becomes smaller and smaller. That is one of the good reasons to stick with smaller companies especially in this market.
Thanks guys, really means a lot. Just like any company out there, we aren’t perfect. Things happen, which is inevitable, but it’s always been one of our biggest focuses to make those hiccups right.
I’ve worked with a few different companies and it sometimes feels like once you’ve made your purchase, you don’t matter to them anymore. We really pride ourselves in helping anyone and everyone, even those that simply watch the old man’s videos and listen to music through Sonos or something
I’ve found PS’s attention to service to be outstanding and above and beyond.
While I understand your frustration, impuning PS’s build quality by judging their $549 lifestyle product is unwarranted.
At that price level, somethings got to give. Look at the sound quality it produces . It’s not a mass market Yamaha receiver. I believe it has high current amps . Where are you going to get that for $549?
I just recently saw a bad review for an infrared sauna I own. In the nitty gritty of the review it reveals they bought the much cheaper Chinese made version of the sauna, not the American made one. While companies don’t have to sell entry level products to compete with mass market junk, the market often requires it and it should be expected that it’s not going to be same build quality as their proper lines.
I have 6 pieces of the most expensive PS Audio gear and 6 AC12 cables of both power and I2S. All were made and packaged well. When I had an issue initially with some cables Paul stepped in and made it right. When my input board failed on my BHK300 James stepped in and sorted it out.
When humans are involved, things happen in manufacturing. I listened to my wife literally spend an hour today resolving a customer problem with a job. She’s from Paul’s school. If we broke it we fix it even if we didn’t break it.
I’m in for the long run. I know that should I have a problem it will be resolved.
I’d be interested to know how this turned out for the OP.
Not to turn this into a PS Audio lovefest, but one of my main reasons for choosing PSA for much of my audio gear is the culture that Paul has formed here. The family experience and cooperation. I have no doubt that PSA has some QC issues from time to time. Who doesn’t…
But what I do find amazing is that you can come onto a company forum like this and the CEO himself often answers directly. Pretty cool. And he emails you back as well. PSA definitely takes care of it’s people, and having James and others (like Badbeef) to offer assistance is truly a benefit. AND, if you do have a problem with your PSA equipment, they WILL make it right.
I’m happy to say my lone PS Audio component was handled properly when I had a problem. It turns out it arrived with a dead Bridge II. TJ first thought I should send it back but instead, we decided on swapping the Bridge II board for a new one and sure enough, it worked fine. I did have a firmware issue as well, but it turns out it may have been a problem with that Snowmass version as others had the same problem, and bouncing back first to Huron then up to Windom cured it completely.
I do have some PS power cords and a Dectet but there is not much that would go wrong with those (other than my own clumsiness and/or stupidity ). But I go out of my way to give my business to those companies that are responsive. Aside from PS Audio, I had a question about my speakers, and emailed the company. A day or two later, the man himself (Richard Vandersteen) replied to me personally. It is refreshing that the founders of these companies are not up on a high pedestal, and are not afraid of engaging directly with their customers.
We need more of that in this corporate-run world of ours…
I have nothing but kind words for the PSA customer service department. One thing that is out of their control, is the manhandling of the product while in transit. Have you seen some of the couriers videos lately? i.e Big screen TVs being thrown over fences…etc…