PST or Jays CDT3 Mk3?

The rubberish goezintus on the bottom of the Stack EQs can be threaded in or out for additional lift–just fyi.

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Did not know that (and many other things).

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My Jay’s CDT3 Mk3 feet rest on the AUVA1 isolation devices. They are overloaded, and I have a message into Josh to see if he can see level 2 inserts or if I’d be best to just buy the level 2 isolation devices.
At this point I have no meaningful comment regarding them with my CDT3. In general they have provided an improvement on my other components.

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As Ron noted, they are adjustable, just need a level.

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My thought is with 4 pucks, you are within the recommended load zone with EQ1’s.

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I am under the opinion that the Jay’s Audio transports are so heavy they don’t really benefit from feet. I am fine with being wrong.


The CDT3 MK3 has built in footers…So they must matter to Jay! I agree too.There you go!

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Agree, the supplied footers on the CDT3 are well thought of after market footers already. I’ve found no need to try anything else even though I have alternatives laying around.

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Good one :joy:

I believe you’ll overload the Auva 1 using 4 with the CDT3 Mk3 at 48. pounds, or 22 Kg. My personal experience, vice speculation, is the Stack Audio Auva isolation devices make a difference, a cumulative difference when placed under each of my sources, phono-preamp and integrated amp. The thought that some may not hear the change, well, that makes me sad.

BTW, Josh is forwarding Auva 2 inserts for the cost of shipping on Monday.

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I gave the weight of the Jay’s to Josh and he selected the number and type of EQ’s. Simple as that. I trust his expertise and judgment.
He has continued to go beyond expectations in providing custom bolts and spikes to raise the AUVA 100’s. Free shipping.


At around 100 hours I think my CDT2 is seasoned as well as I’m likely to notice.
I put 3 Stack 2s under it and the difference is obvious. Kind of like reading glasses vs no reading glasses.


Yes, those EVO are excellent isolation devices–I now have my complete main system outfittted with them.The extra plus is that moving VooDoo Cable IsoPods into my other two systems have really improved those as well–in my audio visual system all components are now on top of IsoPods and WOW. Even the TV. . . Wow, the picture has a tiny bit of smoothness that is seductive, and the sound is great–even my wife noticed. (Previously I had some Chinese sort of Stillpoint copies under the TV, they did some magic too but the IsoPods are even more improving). The headphone system (including TV) are now also outfitted with IsoPods and sounding and looking great.


Since isolation devices are being discussed, I have a questions.

Are there any benefits to using 3 or 4 under a component or is it just the load capacity and balance parameters?


Just going on my experience I’m not really sure there are hard and fast rules to follow other than with some models weight limitations can determine the configuration.

VooDoo Cable stipulates that their units work best when four are used for amplifiers and heavier equipment, and three under source and preamp etc. items, and I experimented and found that to be a good first approach with their IsoPods. I followed the same pattern with the Stack Audio while also paying attention to their weight specifics and have had great sonic success.

Another product I have used for a long time, Herbie’s Audio Lab Iso-Cups with deep green moss “balls,” is not weight specific and seems to offer about the same sonics in sets of three or four. I am now only using those under my speakers and use four just because something bothers me in a subtle way using three!


In general, I like to use three for sources too. Both my network player and DAC are using three Stack EQ 1 under their bodies, not their feet. However, I use four under its feet for PowerZone.

I use the Chinese Stillpoint columns to support PST and M1200, and I found I like four better than three. I like them over other types of footers.

By the way, these replaced all the Orea footers I used previously.

Does this mean three is better than four for sources? Not necessary, it depends on various factors and there are too many combinations that could alter the SQ to one’s liking. You need to find one to your preference.

The best Stack Audio footers remain to be their 100’s under my speakers, they made the most improvement over others including EQs.


Is there any concern putting them under the body i.e. heat etc.? I guess I can feel under the components to judge how hot they get.

Also on a side note, I should upgrade the rack first before tweaking the isolation devices. Presently I have isoacoustics mini-pucks under them.

It is recommended by the manufacturer that the component rest directly on the feet. Heat is not an issue, even under a Class A amplifier.

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The footers would lift the components higher than their own feet (usually), and they actually help in reducing the heat built-up underneath. When I had the DS Mk2 mod on transformers, I was concerned about the higher temperature. I used the highest metal footers to lift it up, and the bottom became cooler. They helped!

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