Snowmass DirectStream Sr. upgrade - Available in the Downloads Section

Hi Paul

Thanks for update and look forward to trying it later when it’s available.



Its too bad the beta testers did not catch these bugs and one can only hope this beta process gets improved.

I’m grateful for Paul’s open forum here and look forward to future product improvement. Please keep up the good work and hats off to all involved. :+1:


Looks like v2 of Snowmass for DS Sr. is available for public download. Thanks, PS Audio!


Not all Beta testers have a bridge card in their DAC. I for one do not and I have not had any operational issues with Snowmass!


Plus Snowmass was released before the new Bridge firmware.


All something to consider for future releases and beta testers.


Paul or Ted, one question: how is it possible that the new 3.004 release sounds the same as the previous if SW was modified and the compiles usually sound different even if just the PIC code is altered?

It’s very nice that they are sending out cards to those of us who purchase them for updates. Thanks!


I posted this in the pre amp section but let me mention here as well…I downloaded the new upgrade and all seemed to go according to plan but when I fired up my system to listen to music i found that the volume indicator on the BHK pre-amp was going off by itself…in other words when the pre amp started up the volume was lit up and if i adjusted the volume up or down the volume indicator lit up but a few seconds later it would dim…the music played flawlessly and as soon as i adjusted the volume it lit up again briefly but prior to my downloading the new snowmass upgrade i never encountered this issue…for the past 6 months or so when i turned on the pre amp the volume indicator was lit up and stayed lit…coincidence?an issue with the new snowmass upgrade or something else?

I’d be interested to know whether the beta testers had any comments on the fade-in to tracks. Ted has certainly picked this up as a ‘bug’ or at very least an annoyance for many users.

I took part in the beta testing… But I can’t report a bug issue when “both” my DS DACs didn’t manifest any problems ! Then again, just like sixpack1, I don’t have the bridge card in either of my DS boxes. I used to use the bridge a few years back but I removed it because of a catalogue of issues with it in my DS !!


Is 3.6.2 the latest Bridge sw ?

Exactly, the new Bridge firmware was released after beta testing of Snowmass. Even if all beta testers had a Bridge, no one would have known the original version of Snowmass interfered with updating the Bridge firmware.

My impression is that PS Audio would prefer to get improved firmware to its customers as quickly as possible, especially when it is as significant as Snowmass. Paul is also transparent and shares everything. Many of us really appreciate this. Others use his openness as fodder for criticism.

Of course PS Audio could have instead kept Snowmass secret, and ran it through extensive multi-phase Alpha and Beta testing, and delayed the release by six months. They could have done the same for V2 and its bug fixes. Instead, they got V2 to us quickly as well.

I prefer getting the shiny new toy right away, even if it may have a quirk or two. But I am comfortable with risk.

Others appear to prefer a staid slow approach. How boring. :slight_smile:


Plus, what’s the big risk? You roll back to an old, working, version? You implement a workaround (that was presented here on the board in about 20 minutes)? It’s software, there’s always some effort involved to be on the cutting edge. Wait a month or two before installing anything new.


No. It’s 3.6.17 (even if the number seems to be lower)

That could be very debatable as many people could get pissed off and leave the product if too buggy and/or not fixed promptly. Also, bringing something to market without proper testing is questionable.

Moving forward, looking forward to V2 and seeing the improvements.


That does not make my position debatable; my opinion remains unchanged. :slight_smile:

You may well be on the opposite end of the spectrum and uncomfortable with moving quickly - nothing wrong with this, just not how I roll.

And let’s be frank and also remember: there were beta testers, then there were handfuls of others begging to be beta testers after the initial favorable reports came in, and then there were hourly querying “when will SnowMass be released!?!” and the PS Audio powers that be may have released it a bit early, but they were urged to do so even earlier!

I honestly hope the sound doesn’t change because I’m finally adjusting to the changed sound!

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Thks, has it been bug free ?

I’m not debating your opinion, just the RISK.

Hey Elk, that statement is uncalled for, as you do not know me.

Nothing personal — right.
